Monday, January 29, 2007

A few things about me...

I Miss You by Blink 182

"The unsuspecting victim
Of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me"

You grew up a lot in 2004. And it was mostly a very good thing.

You Belong in the UK

A little proper, a little saucy.
You're so witty and charming...
No one notices your curry breath

You've Experienced 56% of Life

You have a good deal of life experience, about as much as someone in their late 20s.
You've seen and done enough to be quite wise, but you still have a lot of life to look forward to.

Your Summer Anthem is Best Of You by the Foo Fighters

"I've got another confession my friend
I'm no fool
I'm getting tired of starting again
Somewhere new"

While you may seem bright on the outside, your insides have a distinct angst flavor.

Your Hair Should Be Purple

Intense, thoughtful, and unconventional.
You're always philosophizing and inspiring others with your insights.


Anne said...

And in fact your hair WAS purple, for a few glorious days! I will take the credit for that one, thanks.

Anonymous said...

I know it was great eh!! My hair is a thick mess now, I am trying to grow it long, but it looks more afro than anything else...

Anonymous said...

Is that why you wore a hat in the snow - to cover the hair!!!

Anonymous said...

haha no Mum, My hair was purple way back in Montanna!! before my beard grew too big to handle!

Anonymous said...

Well said.