Saturday, January 6, 2007

American Beauty

As we were walking back from Times Square in New York we saw a quintessentially cultured moment of Hollywood manufactured American culture - the plastic bags and the leaves, blowing in the wind, caught up in cyclonic breeze in an empty lot between two high rises. And yes, there were plenty of people standing around taking photos of it.

While there is something mysterious about the wind and what it can do to things caught up in its fracticious ways, I imagine most of these people were just tripping on drugs or just tripping on being in New York for new years. "Oh Look its a plastic bag! Blowing in the Wind like on that movie American Beauty! Better get a photo of quick!"

Here's another artificially manufactured piece of culture which shows more how the outside world views America than the other way around.

ps, why am I so cynical about things today??!!

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