Monday, April 30, 2007

Quotes for the day

After having had enough of pouring over job adverts and descriptions and repetitively filling out such luridly personal details as my name and phone number on online forms, I began to read the quotes written at the bottom of the pages on my diary. Among the more interesting...

"Patience, n. A minor form of despair, cunningly disguised a virtue"

And the more lame and ignorant (sadly from oft studied NZ writer Margaret Mahy)...
"Canadians are like Americans without Disneyland"

And the one that struck me best...
"Every time you spend your money, you are casting a vote for the kind of world
you want"

How true that is. here in the UK there is a real sea of change in the way people are living their lives. Take the town that yesterday convinced all its retailers to shun plastic bags and only provide paper (and therefore recyclable), or simply reusable bags. Imagine how much waste could be saved if that could be done everyone. A simple culture change to bring bags from home. There is also movement for buying locally produced goods, organics, bins for excess packaging (which is then reviewed & redesigned with product suppliers). You can offset your own carbon emissions so that you don't make any net pollution, or you buy energy that is only from renewable sources. It seems now is a time that this really is true - your purchasing choices will make a difference - if you support the good things then they will continue, because the public demands it and has created a market for it, but if not, they will surely disappear into the lost opportunities of history...

And finally one that seems truly apt for me at the moment...

"Hofstadters Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you
take into account Hofstadters Law"


Time and Tide said...

Great photos MD, I really enjoyed viewing them

Michael said...

Thanks! I have got to the point where I take so many photos I still have heaps to publish and I publish only the good ones.

Diving into the wreck said...

how true how true if only Nz was like that...but its beginning to!