Friday, April 6, 2007


Today we spent a few hours roaming the Old City of Dubrovnic. To get there we had to walk down some 245 steps (fortunately we donćt have to go back up!) It is a very nice place - High walls surround the city and it is easily walkable. It helps that the sun was beaming down upon us and I have managed to survive the day in just a t-shirt and shorts, (though it is a little cold in the shade...).

We have a seen a few churches today, the best was the Dominican church, which had a few examples of ˝Reliquaries˝, basically gold or silver designs in the shape of a human body part that contained the remains of that body part!! For example the Arm of St Thomas. There were also skulls, legs, hands and other various parts.

I had some very nice grilled Calamari for lunch, and then we walked around a small part of the outside wall and I sat down and just absorbed the sun for a while.

I am still trying to decide if I like Dubrovnic - There isn´t a lot to do here, and the things there are to do are much the same as what I have seen before. Not to get me wrong, it is a lovely place, today at least I seem to have little desire to see the sights. Perhaps after Egypt, nothing will really compare!! I think I seek some adventure, and so I am looking forward to when we hire a car and can go wherever we want.

There is no cricket on for the next few days, that is a shame. Sounds like there is some controversy over India´s early exit now. At lease NZ is top of the pool with Australia.

Tomorrow afternoon we go to Korcula. It is an Island and supposed to be very nice. On Monday we catchup with Louise in Split and that is when we hire the car - I am looking forward to that.

I am trying to upload some photos of Sarajevo - it may or may not work, even if it does there will only be four photos, and not the best ones as I havent loaded any that need rotating.

Until next time!


Anonymous said...


Time and Tide said...

Calamari for lunch! - Sounds delicious!