Wednesday, January 24, 2007


So I woke up this morning to something I have been waiting a long long time to see in London, snow! In what is apparently the heaviest snowfall since 2003 (whoop-dee-doo, what a record snowfall it must have been!), Hyde park, well the bit near me, was under about an inch of snow. Fortunately I woke up early with good intentions of going to the gym but that soon got cancelled for a quick expedition into the Hyde for some "snow-in-the-city" photos. Apparently there is more on the way tonight... (And yes my Canadian freinds I know it is a lame snowfall but its exciting for this kiwi who's never seen snow in a city before ;)
There's a little bit of snow on the roofs of these phone booths. I get my weekly TNT magazine from behind them each week.

Snow on the bikes on Bayswater Road. It wasn't actually that cold considering...
A "long and winding road", alright, just a path in Hyde Park that heads towards the lake. One day the lake will freeze over again (there are warning signs for it), and I'll go ice skating on it...

The Princesses Memorial playground. I wish I had a snow covered playground when I was a kid!
Picnic tables... Not much of a day for it really!

It's a beautiful park when its covered in snow.

Me and the park, not too late for work!

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