Thursday, January 4, 2007

Ice cream anyone?

So I'm browsing the gumtree to see how much a Kombi van might be if I were to go on a road trip over summer, and what do I see instead?

An ice cream van for a mere 1,700 quid !

Ice Cream, Ice Cream! Get your Ice Cream here and help fund my trip around Europe!! I can see it now, pulling up at such and such a busy tourist attraction, selling a few icecreams, then heading off to do the tourist thing for a little while. The way summer gets over here, I'd be sure to sell a gazillion of them and probably fund the entire trip!

Shame I don't have the right to work in Europe, but maybe there are ways and means of making it work. ("Well, I wasn't selling any ice cream officer, I just like to travel in style! Would you like a free ice cream by the way?")

Well admittedly it is a bit of a dream and maybe not that much of a reality, but it was interesting to see just how cheap cars are here. Well, cheap relative to NZ, but then I guess being that far away from the rest of the world is bound to make us have expensive cars.

As Alex rightly pointed out at work today, I'd need to buy a righthand drive car for Europe, which would then be the wrong side for the UK. So its a bit of a tough call as to what to do. I may have to settle for a motorbike!

1 comment:

Shaun said...


i love it!! Freshly made for you!!